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Paul Fletcher answers a question from Angus Taylor on the NBN
Paul Fletcher answers a question on the NBN in Parliament, Thursday 12 November 2015
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Paul Fletcher answer a question on the NBN
Paul Fletcher responds to a question on the NBN in Question Time
Paul Fletcher speaks in Question Time on the NBN in Bennelong
Paul Fletcher speaking in QT on how the Morrison Government is supporting senior Australians
Question Time - NBN update - 22 February 2016
The Battle of NBN: Jason Clare MP and Paul Fletcher MP debate the Broadband Roll-Out
PM Feeds Incompetent Minister Lines In Question Time
Paul Fletcher addresses Labor's NBN hopelessness
Bradfield By Election - Malcolm Turnbull on why you should vote for Paul Fletcher
Labor taunts Angus Taylor with toothpicks over his 'big stick' energy policy